
Nothing is prettier than spring in East Tennessee and is more anticipated than in Northern Michigan. In East Tennessee, spring comes early and lasts a long time. The flowering trees and early flowers scent the air with a sweetness in the mountains that just isn’t found anywhere else. It is one of my favorite times of year to hike as the mountains become dotted with all colors of spring flowers. In Northern Michigan, the crocus start to show their little flower heads while snow and ice are still on the ground. They sprout before I clean out the winter dead from the garden and announce that though the snow is still hanging on, spring is right on winter’s heels. Little crocuses are our hope of the coming warm summer days.
We know how to read the signs of hope nature gives us, but do we read the signs of hope God gives us? How many times do we let life get us down and forget to look to God? Do you feel like winter has been a perpetual season in your life and you can’t see spring coming? God knew that Satan likes us to feel defeated. Therefore, God made sure to tell us about His signs of anticipated hope.

Seek for Signs
If we don’t look for the signs, they usually don’t present themselves. When the crocus are just beginning to sprout, I have to look for little breaks in the snow and under the dead dry leaves. But then, there they are, popping through the ground, exclaiming that spring is right around the corner. The same is true when we look for signs from God.
One of the best places to look for these signs is in the Bible. Since it is the living word of God, He often uses our devotion time to speak directly and individually to us. Sometimes He uses exact words such as, Jeremiah 29:11, ‘For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans for prosperity and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.’ This word from God is reassuring in every decision.
However, sometimes God uses the stories of people in the Bible to speak to us and show us His sign. These stories are about real people with real problems, recorded for us to learn from. These people were not perfect but just as flawed as we are. God shows us a sign through history, history that has been proved time and again. Read Abraham’s story in Genesis 12-25 to see how God was faithful to His promise to Abraham. Know by his story that God is just as faithful to His promises to us.
It is not only the history recorded in the Bible that can be a sign to us, but also how God has worked in our own personal history. Too often we pray for God to help us, to give us a sign. He does. Everything turns out well. Then we forget about His divine intervention. I have found for myself, that it is important to write down how God worked through a situation and the signs He gave me along the way. Then I go back ever so often and read how God has worked in my life. It’s amazing how He will use the same types of signs to let me know He is the one working for me. This way I can seek the signs He gives me when a decision needs to be made. I can then give Him the glory when He has been successful in accomplishing the plan made by the decision.

Trust the Signs
Experience has shown me that for as long as I can remember, that is 50+ years, the crocus come up and I know that spring is not too far away. This is a sign that can be trusted. God also gives us signs that we can trust.
Perhaps you have been struggling with a difficult decision. When we ask God for His input, He will indeed give it. One sure sign God puts His stamp on a decision, is the peace He gives us through the Holy Spirit. Trust the peace. Your decision may not make any sense as far as friends or family see it, but if we involve God in the decision-making process, it will be the right choice. It is the peace that comes from that decision that is the sign.
Another sign God gives us through the Holy Spirit is the sign of determination. Once a decision has been made, I become determined to see that decision through. I become focused and do what needs to be done in order for that decision to come to fruition. The success of that decision is anticipated and even though hard work is required, it also becomes a pleasure, because I know God is with me in the work He has called me to do. When I follow His lead, success will come. Mind you, the success may not be immediate and without failures along the way. These are things God may use to teach us to grow us into His successful children. However, in the end, there will be success. How do we know? Again, throughout the journey, God’s peace will pervade.
As Alexander Pope wrote, “hope springs eternal.” It is anticipated hope that keeps us looking forward and able to endure today. May God’s peace pervade your life.