The Watchman

I have had the fortunate opportunity to walk along the Great Wall of China in different parts of the Wall. In each part of the Wall, there are watchtowers. These were where the watchmen would stand and be lookouts for enemies coming to attack China. The watchmen who weren’t on duty would sleep in the lower parts of the towers. When the watchman on duty would see the enemy, they would light a torch. Then when the watchman in the next tower saw the lighted torch, he would also light his torch. In this way, the soldiers on the whole Wall could be ready to fight. Remember, the Wall is over 13,000 miles long, so a system had to be developed in order to warn the garrisons of impending attack.
The sight of the watchtowers on the Wall is what I picture in my head when I read how God made Ezekiel a watchman for His word. Although God tells Ezekiel to sound the trumpet to warn of impending danger instead of lighting a torch, the analogy still stands. I read a blog written by Justin Lee about how God has made Christians today watchmen for the Gospel. I am directing you to this article. Enjoy and take it to heart.