We Can’t Work Well on Empty

“One cannot give out more than what one has received, and superficiality in Christian work results in superficial fruit.”
—A. Wetherell Johnson

We know as Christians that we are to do the work God plans for us to do. However, many of us try to do this work on our own, without being properly fed. This is especially true in the church in America. Our lives are so busy, even as we have been forced to “slow down” because of Covid. However, for some, especially young mothers with children at home, the opposite is true. You are busier than ever! Part of Christianity is a strong work ethic, but God asks us to balance that with resting in Him, and coming into unity with Him, His son and the Holy Spirit. Just as we aren’t at our best when we haven’t eaten, and our body has no fuel to run on, the same is true of our work that God has given us to do for Him. We cannot be great workers for Christ, if we do not first take the time to fuel ourselves with His Word and spend time with Him, learning and understanding what God wants from us. We need to be sure how to do the work He has given us to do. This applies not only for the work we do to make a living, but also the work we are given to do for God to increase His kingdom.

Superficiality in the Christian Life
We tell ourselves that because we go to church every Easter and Christmas, we are good Christians. Then there are the really good Christians who go to church every Sunday. And of course, there are the super Christians which includes the preacher, Sunday School teachers and missionaries. However, it is just this type of outlook on the Christian life that leads to superficiality. We ask ourselves why more people aren’t joining our churches or why doesn’t God give us more opportunities to work for Him? We wonder why the Christian community’s rate of divorce is basically the same as the secular community. We wonder why our children are involved in immoral living and are leaving the church all together. Maybe it’s because we are trying to be a Christian on our own power and are really running on empty.
We haven’t given priority to filling up our spiritual life with Godly things such as knowing the Holy Scriptures of the Bible. Jesus quoted Deuteronomy when He said, “Man shall not live on bread alone but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4).” Clearly, we need to fill up not only with food for energy, but also the Word of God. Just as we eat physical food every day to live, we need to also ‘eat’ the spiritual food of God’s Word as well.
Without knowing God’s Word, we have no idea what God is telling us to do each day with our lives. We really don’t know what God’s will is for us and what decisions to make in our lives. Psalm 119:105-107 tells us, “Your [God’s] Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. I have sworn and I will confirm it, that I will keep Your righteous ordinances. I am exceedingly afflicted; revive me, O Lord, according to Your word.” This is a lesson we need to learn from the Psalmist. He knows God’s Word shines along the path for us so we don’t stumble and to make sure we are going the right direction. When we keep God’s commandments for our lives, we show Him we are trying to follow Him, and part of that is knowing, that only through God’s Word, can we truly be revived and given energy to fulfil His purpose for our lives.

Godly Success
Besides having the Creator of the Universe being our guide for our lives, what else does knowing God’s Word do for us? Knowing God’s Word brings us into relationship with Him. Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” Since God’s Word is alive and active, He continually communicates to us His will, love, compassion, comfort, and conviction.
There have been times where I have read the same passage in the Bible at least a hundred times, but when I read it 101 times, that passage jumps out at me and speaks to me, to my very soul. I know God has spoken directly to me and is telling me what He wants me to understand about Him, and His purpose for my life. This is how God’s Word is able to always be relevant to every Believer when God knows we need a particular understanding and knowledge from Him.
When we daily read God’s Word, memorize it and reflect upon it and what God is saying to us, we are given joy and peace in life. Isn’t this what we all really want, to have joy and peace? No drama! God gives this to Believers, no matter what circumstances we are going through in life, we have God’s peace. Frankly, I really can’t fathom how non-Believers handle the stresses of life. How really miserable and anxious they must be. I know as all Believers know, that no matter what is going on in my life, God is in control and I don’t need to worry. This pure peace is a major mark of success in my book. Plus it keeps the wrinkles away, and the heart healthy.
Knowing God’s Word helps me put God in control so that whatever He has me working on, it won’t be superficial, but rather have God’s stamp on it. Filling up my Spirit with God-breathed words helps me to do His will daily and to grow in Him. Believe me, I have been a superficial Christian, and still need to work diligently to mature in Christ and be a genuine Christian. I know that I will need to continue to strive to be complete in Him until the day I’m taken home to be in Heaven.


Johnson, A. 1982. Created for Commitment: The Remarkable Story of the Founder of the Bible Study Fellowship. Carol Stream, Illinois: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.