Wise Men

Any nativity scene wouldn’t be worth its salt if it didn’t include the shepherds and the three wise men, not to mention Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus. But we know that the wise men did not arrive to see Jesus until after Jesus was a bit older, but less than two years old. Therefore, our nativity scenes are really incorrect. But I suppose, they depict the people who came to see the birth of God’s son. What we really need is a virtual nativity scene set on a loop so that we can see the events surrounding Jesus’ birth in chronological order. Hmm, good idea for a patent?
Anyhow, Allstair Begg (2017), does a good job speaking about the wise men, who they were and how they played into the events of our Savior’s birth. Below is a video of him speaking on this topic. Enjoy learning more about them along with his wonderful Scottish humor.

Begg, A. 2017. The Wise Men. Truthforlife.org. https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=x-pVqm_3jtg, Retrieved on Dec. 16, 2019.